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We value Allied's ability to adapt to changing technology trends...

CNSG values Allied’s approach to customer service, product development and the ability to adapt  to changing technology trends in our field while maintaining a flexible and agnostic approach to the small–medium size business which is not a core focus of a lot of the larger carriers.”

Ali Niroo

Managing Partner, CNSG

How Allied Will Help You Grow

One Hand to Shake, One Provider To Hug

Allied is a single-source provider of a full suite of Internet and Data services.

Agility Like You’ve Never Seen Before

No, really. We installed a circuit in NYC in 2 weeks; in DC we are able to install same day in some cases. We are a carrier-agnostic, U.S.-based provider and unconstrained by legacy equipment, network or last mile options. That’s rare.

We Don’t Have a “Box”

Unlike most telecoms, we do not work inside a defined box, nor do we follow other telecoms who occasionally attempt to go outside the box with great pain… At Allied, we welcome diverse needs and will seriously consider any opportunity you present to us, no matter the complexity.

Committed to Your Success

We will provide you the tools and ongoing training to succeed. Our Channel Development Managers will help you learn how to sell leading IT solutions for today — and the next generation. Through live, online or on-site meetings with you, your clients and support staff, we will help you close business and ensure long term retention.

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Partner News

Allied Telecom Launches Expansion Into Philadelphia Region in Partnership with Chorus Communications

Allied Telecom Group (Allied), a leading single source provider of Internet, Data Transport, Voice and Unified Communications services, today announced a new partnership with Philadelphia Master Agent, Chorus Communications. The partnership expands Allied’s service footprint into the Philadelphia Metro Area, and surrounding areas, and provides a pathway for Chorus Communications (Chorus) to expand southward along… Continue Reading about Allied Telecom Launches Expansion Into Philadelphia Region in Partnership with Chorus Communications

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